
Preparing for Your Estate Planning Consultation

Every estate plan we do starts with a free consultation. We get a lot done during those meetings, but they (honestly) don’t require much preparation. Here’s what to know about the agenda and how to prepare.

Background Information

The first agenda item is always to cover the basics of what an estate plan does, talk about how the process works, and answer general questions.

Next is a chance to get to know a little bit about you.

Trusts for Children that Include IRAs

When we draft estate plans for parents of minor children, those plans typically include a trust fund for their children. This trust fund generally is structured so that a trustee selected by the parents (typically, a trusted family member) will manage those funds for the child until the child is old enough to do so themselves (perhaps at age 25-30).

When the parents’ assets include significant traditional IRAs or other pre-tax retirement accounts that would be included in this type of trust, the parents will also want to consider using a conduit trust to minimize taxes on IRA accounts that would be held by the trust. This article explains that option.

Differences Between a Will and a Trust

When people come to our office for estate planning, they often start by asking us whether they need a will or a trust.

The very short answer is, of course, that it depends. Wills and trusts are tools. The right tool for each client will depend on the client’s family situation, asset situation, and goals for their plan. Historically, about half of our plans have been will-based plans, and half trusts.

That being said, there are some common reasons to choose one tool over another. This post explains how each option works and the common reasons we might recommend one over another.